Australian Hemp Masonry | Supplier

Australian Hemp Masonry supplies Australian developed and manufactured Lime Binder and Render to the residential building market.

Contact Name: Klara Marosszeky

Australian Hemp Masonry

Business Name: Australian Hemp Masonry Pty Ltd

Contact number: +61 422750612

Business Address: PO 1059 Lismore NSW 2480

Areas serviced: Australia wide


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Speciality: Supplier

Experience: Excellent

State license / accredited: NSWDPI 49901

About Australian Hemp Masonry | Supplier

Hempcrete house using Australian Hemp Masonry binder

Australian Hemp Masonry has been supplying an Australian developed and manufactured Lime Binder for hempcrete wall construction and for subfloor and roofing thermal and acoustic insulation as well as a Hemp-lime Render into the residential building market since 2009.

We specialise in supplying Australian Hemp and work with regional hemp processors in multiple states and we have supplied NCC compliant hemp building materials for around 300 hemp building projects in Australia with builds in all states, including several that have won national and state based industry awards, as well as several commercial projects. Our products are effective in retrofitting for energy efficiency as well as for new construction.

For more information on our products please go to

Australian Hemp Masonry has been involved in the Australian hemp industry since 1999 and in hemp construction research since 2000. We have ongoing research relationships with several universities and we’re currently working under an Australian Research Council grant with UTS investigating further low carbon binders and prefabricated construction.

We also supply training for building industry professionals, as well as consultancy services.

Hempcrete house using Australian Hemp Masonry render

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