Australian Hemp Masonry (AHMC) has been training owner builders, builders and building professionals in Hemp Construction more than 9 years.
Contact Name: Klara Marosszeky
Business Name: Australian Hemp Masonry Pty Ltd
Contact number: +61 422750612
Business Address: Po 1059 Lismore NSW 2480
Areas serviced: Australia wide
Social Media:
Speciality: Educator
Experience: Excellent
State license / accredited: Qualified workplace trainer and assessor
About Australian Hemp Masonry | Educators
AHMC has been training owner builders, builders and building professionals in Hemp Construction for the past 9 years. We offer the training in two parts. Theory training through zoom sessions which cover all aspects of the build from compliance to design, and from framing to installing and through to the optional finishes. We share what we’ve learnt over many years of residential hemp construction, including some award winning builds and retrofits as well as several commercial projects, through images from some of Australia’s most experienced hemp builders and installers. We can also customise training for your business.
We deliver one day practical workshops in all states. Our upcoming workshops are advertised at
AHMC have been involved in the hemp industry for 22 years and we’ve been supplying Australian sourced and manufactured hemp building materials which were developed at UNSW, since 2009. For more information about our workshops please contact Tara on