Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete?

Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete the result of more than 18 months of studying the industrial hemp market.

After visits to hemp growers in various parts of Europe, we have come to understand why products derived from this plant still have a very low adoption rate. This is despite its extraordinary qualities for the environment and health, being a plant that sequesters more CO2 than a forest and grows rapidly without the need for pesticides.

Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete?

If this exploration exercise had been a product we were selling, the presentation would probably have sounded like this:

We created this product with cats’ health and comfort at its core. We managed to do this by using a 100% natural material made from hemp wood, lime, and water. The resulting habitat is inspired by nature, non-toxic, antimicrobial, and antifungal. It regulates humidity and temperature, acts as a sound absorber, and controls unpleasant odors and smells, making for the most restful sleep your cat has ever had. Designed to seamlessly integrate into any home, the product showcases raw, unfinished, exposed material, emphasizing that natural materials are inherently imperfect, contributing to their beauty and complexity, which often exceeds the visual spectrum.

Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete? Read more…

After visits to hemp growers in various parts of Europe, we have come to understand why products derived from this plant still have a very low adoption rate. This is despite its extraordinary qualities for the environment and health, being a plant that sequesters more CO2 than a forest and grows rapidly without the need for pesticides.

Our focus has largely been on addressing a significant part of the issue, namely the utilization of 75% of the biomass, represented by hemp wood/ shives. This resource, until recently, was seen as agricultural waste, but in recent years, it has reclaimed its historical utility, specifically in construction. As we delved into hemp wood construction materials, we quickly realized the reasons behind the slow market acceptance.

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Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete?
Cats and Geometric Freedom with Hempcrete?

Check out this related article on Hemp Wood

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