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Hempcrete installation and rendering require specialised skills and knowledge to ensure the best results for your project. Trained professionals understand the unique properties of hemp-based materials and can guarantee proper application, durability, and performance. Booking experienced tradespeople not only ensures a high-quality finish but also maximises the benefits of this sustainable building material.

Explore our directory to find the right experts for your project!

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Southern Hemp | Installer

Southern Hemp is and Installer that specialises in installing cast-in-situ hemp walls. With 10 years…

Hempcrete Installers and Renderers in Australia

  • Hearth Build | Builder Installer
    Carpenter and builder working on all manner of projects from off-grid cob cottages to multi-story Sydney homes, hemp buildings including UTS research projects.
  • The Hemp Building Co. | Video
    See Video | The Hemp Building Co. was established in 2009 and became early pioneers of Hempcrete construction in Australia. Over the years we have been involved in building projects across all eastern states and earned a reputation as specialists in the… Read more: The Hemp Building Co. | Video
  • Hardy Hemp Homes
    Hardy Hemp Homes has 8 years experience in installation specialising in bespoke casting for feature hempcrete walls. Contact Name: Madeleine Business Name: Hardy Hemp Homes Contact number: 0401238613 Business Address: Po Box 255 Lobethal Road Lenswood 5240 Areas serviced: All Areas Social… Read more: Hardy Hemp Homes
  • About Two Creative | Rendering
    Two Creative specialises in Natural Rendering and Hemp Installation. Contact Name: Scott A Goldie Business Name: Two Creative Pty Ltd Contact number: +61425317071 Business Address: PO Box 354 SA Areas serviced: South Australia Social Media: Email: Speciality: Rendering Experience: Good… Read more: About Two Creative | Rendering
  • Dirty Earl : Natural Building Artisan – Earthen Alchemist
    Dirty Earl is an educator and specialist in both installing cast-in-situ hemp walls and natural renders/plasters using local, healthy, renewable materials. Contact Name: Earl Business Name: Dirty Earl Natural Building Contact number: 047716084 Business Address: TASMANIA – Huon Valley based / Nomadic… Read more: Dirty Earl : Natural Building Artisan – Earthen Alchemist
  • New Earth Living | Installer
    At New Earth Living we specialise in delivering a unique service with a holistic approach to building. With alternative designs and construction methods, we strive to achieve a healthy, efficient home which doesn’t cost the world or the earth. Contact Name: Brendan… Read more: New Earth Living | Installer
  • Southern Hemp | Installer
    Southern Hemp is and Installer that specialises in installing cast-in-situ hemp walls. With 10 years experience we fully install or work with owners and/or team. We supply Australian grown hemp, lime binder, a large mixer and all formwork required for the job.
  • Tankspray | Spray installer of hempcrete & render
    Tankspray are a spray installer of hempcrete & render. With 20 years experience rendering strawbale with lime and now hempcrete. Contact Name: Peter Robinson Business Name: Tankspray Contact number: 0402 381148 Business Address: 54 Mc Lerie st Young NSW 2594 Areas serviced:… Read more: Tankspray | Spray installer of hempcrete & render
  • Belubula Hemp Homes
    Belubula Hemp Homes is a building company, focused on sustainable building practices. We have been building with Hemp for the last 15 years with around 18 completed hemp projects all over NSW. Contact Name: James Isaacs Business Name: Belubula Hemp Homes Pty… Read more: Belubula Hemp Homes
  • Hempcrete Victoria | Installer
    Hempcrete Victoria (installer) have extensive experience with a range of hempcrete installation here in Australia and around the world. Hempcrete Victoria use a range of installation techniques including block supplied by with RespiraBuilt. Contact Name: Will Brain Business Name: Hempcrete Victoria Contact… Read more: Hempcrete Victoria | Installer
  • Samuel Barker | Tradesman
    Hello I’m a tradesman usually dealing in carpentry and rendering and just reaching out to see if you have any contacts for hemp installers between NSW/VIC/SA. Name: Samuel Barker Email: About Samuel Barker | Tradesman Hello! I’m a tradesman usually dealing… Read more: Samuel Barker | Tradesman

The Growing Hempcrete Industry: A Focus on Australia and Abroad

In recent years, the construction industry has seen a significant shift toward sustainable and eco-friendly building materials. Among these, hempcrete has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional construction materials. Hempcrete, made from the wood-like core of the hemp plant mixed with lime and water, provides excellent insulation and moisture regulation properties.

In Australia, the adoption of hempcrete is gaining momentum. Pioneering companies and contractors are leading the way in installing and rendering hempcrete in residential and commercial buildings. These installers and renderers are specialized in their trade, offering services that not only ensure the structural integrity of buildings but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

These Australian businesses are adept at navigating the unique challenges posed by hempcrete, such as the need for proper curing and moisture management. The expertise of Australian installers and renderers also extends to advising on the optimal mix and application methods, tailored to Australia’s diverse climates from the humid regions of Queensland to the cooler areas of Tasmania.

Internationally, the use of hempcrete is spreading across Europe, North America, and parts of Asia. Countries like France, the UK, and Canada have well-established industries with numerous professionals skilled in the installation and rendering of hempcrete. These regions benefit from a more extended history with hemp cultivation, which supports a robust hempcrete market.

As the global focus on reducing carbon footprints intensifies, the demand for hempcrete is expected to rise, both in Australia and worldwide. This upsurge represents not just a shift in building practices but also a broader movement towards sustainable living. With its exceptional insulative qualities, ease of use, and carbon-sequestering capabilities, hempcrete stands out as a practical solution for a greener future in construction.


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We have relied on the information provided by the business and its representatives.
This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute building advice, or other professional advice. 

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