Hempcrete Victoria (installer) have extensive experience with a range of hempcrete installation here in Australia and around the world.
Contact Name: Will Brain
Business Name: Hempcrete Victoria
Contact number: TBC
Business Address: Coburg – Victoria – VIC
Areas serviced: Victoria but will travel to other states
Website: www.hempcretevictoria.com.au
Social Media: www.instagram.com/brainbuilt/
Email: info@hempcretevictoria.com.au
Business Type: Hempcrete Installers
Please rate your hemp building experience: Excellent
State license / accredited: Insured
Hempcrete Victoria | Installer
We have extensive experience with a range of hempcrete installation here in Australia and around the world.
Hi Will,
Just wondering what sort of insurance you you are covered by?
Can you offer domestic building insurance?
Looking for a builder in central Victoria.
Hi Andy,
Best to connect with Will directly on this but I reckon he has all his paper work in order…
Jeremy (admin)