Victorian Hemp Industry Inquiry | Government response

Inquiry into the industrial hemp industry in Victoria – Victorian Government response

Introduction – Victorian Hemp Industry Inquiry

The Victorian Government welcomes the findings and recommendations from the Parliament of Victoria’s Inquiry into the industrial hemp industry in Victoria final report. The Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee (the Committee) initiated an inquiry on 31 May 2023 to investigate the issues, barriers and opportunities within the current Victorian industrial hemp industry. The Committee’s report was released on 30 November 2023.

The Victorian Government is committed to working with the agriculture sector to ensure that Victorian agriculture is strong, innovative, and sustainable into the future. Agriculture Victoria has an important role in the hemp industry as a regulator of hemp cultivation and a provider of research and development to the industry.

Victorian Hemp Industry Inquiry

In 2022, the Victorian Government amended legislation regulating industrial hemp in Victoria through the Agriculture Legislation Amendment Act 2022. The amendments increased the maximum allowable level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to 1%, to be consistent with all other Australian states and territories. The amendments also widened the eligibility criteria for licence applicants, strengthened the ‘fit and proper person’ test for applicants, and made changes to the administration and enforcement of the Act.

Agriculture Victoria is currently co-investing with AgriFutures in the 3-year Industrial Hemp Variety Trials at the Hamilton SmartFarm. This research program aims to provide Australian industrial hemp growers with independent information about the performance of industrial hemp seed varieties grown for oil and suited to specific geographic locations within Australia. Results are made available to growers through annual reports and field days. The Victorian Government looks forward to continuing to work with industry to develop the hemp industry in

Find the full Victorian Government response here.

Victorian Hemp Industry Inquiry

The Victorian Government’s response

The government has considered the 9 recommendations and:

  • Supports 2 recommendations in full
  • Supports 6 recommendations in principle
  • 1 recommendation is under review
  • The recommendations and the government’s response is below

Find the full Victorian Government response here.


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