Kirstie Wulfs Connections Connected | HBD Story

Kirstie Wulf, Shelter Building Design

Building anything properly takes time. Accordingly it was now time to start getting our Directory out there to the hemp community for businesses to sign up. Having been involved in the hemp building community for many years we got Kirstie Wulfs Connections Connected and listed on the Hemp Building Directory for Australia.

A fantastic communicator and, an all around lovely person caring for others and the planet, Kirstie reached out to her network and very quickly we had businesses from all over Australia signing up to be a part of the Hemp Building Directory.

Jeremy managed these sign ups fluently. Funnelled by a dedicated sign up form members were listed quickly and prompted to send in a few images. Categories developed and menus evolved and soon we had a filled out directory website of members sitting nicely in the formwork we had created.

Of course communicating with 40 different businesses, populating their listings and making it all work nicely and have excellent SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) takes time. However over just a few short months of morning, evening and weekend work, which Jeremy saw as clicktivism that would one day benefit Australian farmers, Australian climates and the planet as a whole that task was achieved and we continue to sign businesses up as the directory grows. Jeremys dedication to the cause never wavered and that is how we have such an amazing start to this fantastic directory today….

But considering the importance of sequestering carbon and locking it into buildings Jeremy looks forward to the day where at least some of his time can be compensated by some funding (as kudos points don’t pay the rent or bills) and he can continue to level up the Hemp Building Directory suing his strong entrepreneurial and business skills combined with endless grit to boost the Australian hemp building industry and lock carbon into buildings and out of the atmosphere of this amazing but ever warming planet we live on.

More about Kirstie Wulf from Shelter Building Design

Kirstie Wulf Accreditation

Kirstie is an experienced hempcrete building designer and educator. Specialising in high performance and passive house buildings using Hemp and natural building materials. Passive House Certified Designer. National BDAA Award winner.


HBD do not warrant the quality or experience of anyone listed on this directory.
We have relied on the information provided by the business and its representatives.
This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute building advice, or other professional advice. 

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