Tankspray | Spray installer of hempcrete & render

Tankspray are a spray installer of hempcrete & render. With 20 years experience rendering strawbale with lime and now hempcrete.

Contact Name: Peter Robinson

Business Name: Tankspray

Contact number: 0402 381148

Hemp Building Directory Listing, spray installer of hempcrete and render

Business Address: 54 Mc Lerie st Young NSW 2594

Areas serviced: Australia

Website: tankspray.com.au

Social Media: on the way

Email: tankspray@bigpond.com

Other – tell us in the more info section 🙂

Experience: Excellent

State license / accredited:
23 years experience

About Tankspray | Spray installer of hempcrete and render

For almost 25 years we have built concrete water tanks, tin and concrete tank repairs and for 22 years have spray rendered strawbale houses, 20 of those working with and spraying lime render. We now use the same principles on hempcrete houses. I am very confident in saying we have been spraying with lime the longest in Australia.

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