EMILY KNIGHT DESIGN (EKD) in a small practice specialising in innovative Passive Solar homes since 2004. Sustainability and delight are at the core of what we do, creating spaces for living and sharing that belong on the land where they sit.

Contact Name: Emily Knight
Contact number: 0402043226
Website: www.ekd.com.au
Email: mail@ekd.com.au
Social Media: www.instagram.com/emilyknightdesign
Business Address: Ashbury NSW
Areas serviced: Greater Sydney and South Coast (Moruya base)
Speciality: Architect
State license / accredited: NSW
HBD Member ID: EK2131

About EKD
EKD in a small practice specialising in innovative Passive Solar homes since 2004. Sustainability and delight are at the core of what we do, creating spaces for living and sharing that belong on the land where they sit. All our projects prioritise natural light and ventilation driven by orientation. We’re keen to work with all our clients on materials selections that suit lifestyle, location, climate, mindful of carbon footprint and cost.
We have a passion for reducing energy use of homes both while they’re being built and while you’re living there. And we’re constantly learning
In pursuit of this we have qualifications to provide:
- Certified Passive House Design
- NatHERS assessments (HERO)
- Residential Efficiency Scorecard assessments
Sustainability in building has so many facets: health, energy use, water use and carbon footprint to name a few. Our additional qualifications and accreditations allow us to take a data driven approach to improving the performance of, and reducing the energy usage of homes.
We assess the thermal performance of your house at the beginning of your renovation journey to spark discussion about how you want your future home to perform. We also identify your sustainability goals and strategies to achieve them.
Our Ashbury Hempcrete house was a delight to work on. We had wanted to work with hemp for years, and found a perfect alignment with a family who wanted the feeling of a Blue Mountains Home on their suburban block.
The experience of being in the house is one of instant calm. The air quality and sound attenuation are particularly noticeable.
Emily Knight Design is now working in both Sydney’s Inner West and in Moruya on the South Coast of NSW.
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