Why Contribute and How

The Hemp Building Directory is a crucial initiative for several reasons.

One of the most effective ways to help the planet is by sequestering carbon and reducing carbon emissions. As our climate crisis escalates—manifesting in wildfires, floods, famines, deforestation, desertification, species extinction, melting glaciers, and more—it becomes increasingly urgent to address these issues.

To combat this, we need to decrease our carbon emissions and enhance carbon sequestration. While hemp isn’t the sole solution, it is a powerful tool among many that can help us meet global decarbonisation targets set by governments.

Extensive research demonstrates how effectively hemp sequesters carbon. Hempcrete, a building material made from hemp, locks carbon into the walls of structures, providing excellent insulation. This reduces the need for fossil fuels to control internal temperatures. Win, Win. And there are many more benefits in using hemp and hempcrete along supply chains and for end users – humans.

Join us in spreading this message. Become part of the solution by contributing today.

Types of Listings

Type of ListingPrice
Basic ListingFree
Standard Member Listing$99 per year – Buy now
Premium Member Listing$249 per year – Buy now
Sponsor Member Listing$699 per year – Buy now

Hemp Building Directory structure

We are a self-funded social enterprise dedicated to making a positive environmental impact. Since April 2023, we have been investing 20-30 hours of our own time each month into this cause. Jeremy Thomas, our webmaster and business development lead, has managed all the website work and other platform activities. Kirstie Wulf, with her extensive connections and in depth knowledge, started our Facebook page a decade ago, which now boasts over 12,000 followers and has done huge amounts to promote the use of hemp in building over the past 15 years including designing and building upwards of 20 hempcrete houses, one of them her own that you can stay at on AirBNB.

Despite a few modest contributions from some clients listed on this directory, which cover only a fraction of our expenses, we have no direct income to compensate for our time and efforts. All expenses, including website maintenance and other costs, have come out of our own pockets.

Help HBD help the planet.
Jeremy Thomas BD with daughter
Jeremy Thomas BD with daughter

Jeremy Thomas, a single dad committed to creating a better world for his daughter, remains dedicated to sequestering carbon using hemp. Hemp grows rapidly in just 100 days, almost anywhere, sequestering tonnes of CO2. This carbon is then locked into highly insulative walls, reducing the need for fossil-fuel-based thermal control. It’s a win-win for the environment, with numerous additional benefits along the way. You can learn more about these advantages by exploring our website.

We need your help to continue our mission. Any financial contribution, even the price of a coffee, would be greatly appreciated. A more substantial donation would enable us to create informative videos and expand our efforts to use hemp as a tool in combating climate change. Please support us in helping the planet.

Driving the Narrative About Building with Hempcrete: Your Contribution Makes a Difference

Saving the planet doesn’t come for free. Rent, bills, website expenses, and the countless hours spent by Jeremy Thomas—all of this adds up. Jeremy could be focusing on building his own empire, but instead, he dedicates many hours each month to the Hemp Building Directory project. His daughter helps inspire this commitment, as he thinks about all the children of the world, the future they are inheriting, and the legacy we leave behind.

“If my legacy is that I leave this world in a better place than when I found it, and more structures have carbon locked in them, then I will have done well…”

Jeremy Thomas | Environmentarian

What We Could Achieve With Your Help

Enhanced Software and Tools – We are currently running free versions of all software (CMS, themes, plugins) that make our site work. Purchasing licensed products would mean more functionality for our visitors and a higher level of analytics. This would allow us to see what works, what doesn’t, and use these insights for future projects.

Time and Resources – Everyone is time-poor, especially entrepreneurs. Add in the cost of living in Sydney and the responsibilities of being a full-time carer, and finding time to work on this project becomes tricky. Jeremy gets up at 5:30 AM most mornings to work for a few hours and dedicates his Fridays to the goals of Environmentarian client, including running this website. Your contribution would help alleviate the personal financial strain, allowing Jeremy to focus more on saving the world.

Content Creation – Content is king. We need to continue developing content to tell the story and refine the narrative of building with hemp and hempcrete. This is one of the goals of the newly formed Hemp Building Group by the Australian Hemp Council (AHC). Blog posts and articles are powerful but time-consuming to research, write, and publish.

Video Production – Videos are especially impactful. Jeremy’s YouTube channel, Jeremy Thomas BD, demonstrates how videos can transform and drive narratives in a space. All content from Hempcrete in Australia Season 1&2 was self-funded, Season 1 costing approximately $10,000 in cash and editing time—quite a low estimate compared to most video productions. With your help, we could launch a Hemp Building Directory YouTube channel which would have real impact.

Future Initiatives – As an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience, Jeremy knows how to take a small idea (1%), flesh it out (9%), action the tasks (80%), and publish and market the work (20%). He doesn’t lack motivation or grit—he needs funding. Multiple options have been provided for Hemp Building Directory clients to become members and contribute financially. A contribution page is available for enthusiasts who believe in this passion to support the cause. We are already making progress, and with your help, we can accelerate our efforts.

Your contribution will not only support the daily operations of the Hemp Building Directory but also enhance our ability to drive the narrative about building with hempcrete. Together, we can make a significant impact on the future of sustainable construction and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Thank you for considering supporting our mission.

Become a Member as a Contribution

Types of Listings

Type of ListingPrice
Basic ListingFree
Standard Member Listing$99 per year – Buy now
Premium Member Listing$249 per year – Buy now
Sponsor Member Listing$699 per year – Buy now


HBD do not warrant the quality or experience of anyone listed on this directory.
We have relied on the information provided by the business and its representatives.
This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute building advice, or other professional advice. 

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