Pro Hemp | Supplier

Pro Hemp | Supplier

Contact Name: Matthew Box

Business Name: Pro Hemp

Contact number: 0406597248

Business Address: Nyora-st Helier Rd, Woodleigh 3945

Areas serviced: Victoria predominately, some to SA and NSW


Social Media:


Speciality: Supplier

Experience: Excellent

State license / accredited: Victoria

About | Pro Hemp

We grow and process high quality hemp locally, benefiting the environment and your pocket; we have been supplying Australian hemp for building and various purposes since 2021.

We’re passionate about harnessing the power of Australian-grown hemp to pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. As a domestic producer of raw hemp materials for the building sector and beyond, we are proud to offer solutions that are not just environmentally friendly but also practical, modern, and reliable.

Hemp Hurd – Nature’s Solution for Construction and Gardening
Ideal for eco-friendly building materials like hempcrete and perfect as absorbent bedding for animals or as a natural mulch for gardens.

Hemp Fibre – The Future of Textiles and Beyond
A sustainable alternative to synthetic fibres, hemp fibre is perfect for durable, eco-friendly textiles and innovative industrial applications, including non-woven products and composite materials.

Hemp Fine – Micro Materials, Macro Impact
Enhance soil health, contribute to nutritious animal feed, and innovate in the creation of 
bio-composites and biodegradable plastics.


HBD do not warrant the quality or experience of anyone listed on this directory.
We have relied on the information provided by the business and its representatives.
This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute building advice, or other professional advice. 

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